In 2008, Lynn of Organic Mania gathered a diverse group of
green bloggers and suggested we host a monthly blog carnival on a specific green topic like the Green Pet Blog Carnival I hosted on Condo Blues in October for Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.
Not every member of The Green Moms Carnival has the same
green focus or way we do things and we like that way! Some of us (like me) are
not Moms to humans. However, what we all have in common is trying to live the Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle (and in my case, Remake) way the best we know how and are eager
to share our hits and our misses with all of you.
Lisa from Condo Blues, Anna from GreenTalk, Miceala from Mindful Momma, Sommer from Green and Clean Mom, Amy from Crunchy Domestic Goddess, and Beth of Fake Plastic Fish.
Photo courtesy of Crunchy Domestic Godddess.
To help promote our monthly Greenmoms carnival posts, which
we host on the top green mom and green women blogs each month, we started the @Greenmoms Twitter
account in 2008 to promote our efforts back when Twitter was merely a fad.
Now we regularly tweet on environmental topics and aid non-profits
with their outreach efforts. For our efforts, @Greenmoms won the very first
Twitter Shorty Award for Best Green Content on Twitter, we were listed on
Twitter's "recommended follow" list, and at last count @Greenmoms had
more than 70,000 followers. We must be doing something right, or so we thought,
since we were early adopters and Twitter put us on their recommended list.
Last week – POOF! – Twitter suspended @Greenmoms Twitter
account without any warning. We do not know what we have done wrong. We
contacted Twitter to ask them why they suspended @Greenmoms. So far, we have
heard nothing.
Can you please help us to get the @Greenmoms account reinstated
on Twitter?
We are hoping that if we start a groundswell of tweets
& blog posts Twitter will respond because at this point we do not know what
we did to make Twitter deactivate our account.
Tweet about why you love @Greenmoms and why Twitter should
reinstate our account. We created a Twitter hashtag #SaveGreenMoms. Please use #SaveGreenMoms
when tweeting about reinstating the @Greenmoms Twitter account.
Here are a few sample tweets you can send out to all your followers or (better yet) to specific accounts:
- @twitter @support suspended @GreenMoms w/no warning. Please RT WHY U LOVE @greenmoms & help us #SaveGreenMoms
- @twitter PLEASE reinstate @greenmoms TODAY - why did you suspend their account? #savegreenmoms
- The @Greenmoms Twitter acct is still suspended! RT to help get it reinstated! #SaveGreenMoms cc@twitter
- Why did @twitter suspend @Greenmoms with no explanation? Please RT and help #SaveGreenMoms Tell @twitter to reinstate @Greenmoms ASAP! #SaveGreenMoms
If you haven’t already, please check out the blogs of the members
of the Green Moms Carnival. These woman are amazing!
Fake Plastic Fish Now
known as My Plastic-Free Life
La Marguerite (Now
blogging at Mind Deep)
Surely You Nest (now
part of Green Phone Booth)
Do you have any other ideas? Do you know anyone who has had
an account suspended and then got it back?
Thanks everyone!
UPDATE Wednesday November 30,2011: Thank you so much for your tweets and Facebook status updates about #SaveGreenmoms. I'm very happy to announce that Twitter reinstated the @Greenmoms Twitter account with all of our over 72,000 followers! Thank you so much for your support!
Unfortunately, we still do not know why Twitter deactivated @Greenmoms in the first place or what we did to be punished so.
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Thanks for posting about this Lisa! It's so frustrating that they suspended our account! I'll be tweeting every day until they reinstate us!
This is outrageous! How about big corporations manipulating public opinion instead of a bunch of green moms trying to make a difference. Off to tweet and FB this.
I'm happy to hear that they got you folks back up and running and I'm actually shocked to find out that you didn't lose your followers - that's fabulous! Great Job!
Lisa, a much belated thank you finally here on your blog for putting up this great post. One thing we need to do is diversify: I just started Green MomsCarnival on Google Plus & we can get more active about promoting our FB page.
I still can't believe it was just three days ago that I learned what happened - we got caught in a spam filter!!
Again, thanks so much!!!
I am only just now reading this and am so happy to see the update, but how infuriating!
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