1. I'm a coffe junkie. If I ever find myself in a coffee-free situation, this Emergency coffee maker may just do the trick.

2. The Upside down tomato planter is simply brilliant for my space challenged Condo patio. I really wish I saw this before I bought my Topsey Turvy tomato planter.

3. Have a lot of stuff that needs a home? Who doesn't? Use those empty plastic bottles to make Water Jug Storage Bins!

5.Turn your current toilet into a low flow toilet with a bottle filled with water.
6. Make a funnel.
7. Make a insect trap.
8. Steady your camera with a bottle mono pod.
9. Use it as a weed killer wind shield
10. Hate to water plants? Make a self watering planter.
11. Make a rain guage - science in action!
12. Feed starving birdies - Make a bird feederLooking for more plastic bottle reycling ideas? Check out the following options - and more! - below!
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Great ideas to reuse those plastic bottles. I love it!
Thanks for the visit! I'm gonna give the upside down planter a try this week...I've got my bottle ready to go!
Those storage "shelves" from water jugs are totally wild.
p.s. Thanks for listing Crafting A Green World in your blogroll! Glad you enjoy it!
Water jug storage shelves - that's amazing.
Just made a GPS, phone mount(bike or motorbike) from a plastic bottle...just need clear plasitic bottle knife bolt to attach it to handle bars...
they should definilely ban bottles less than 1litre...say NO to the mini bar
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