Condo Blues: How to Make Dandruff Shampoo

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Make Dandruff Shampoo

When I am stressed my rosacea kicks into overdrive. I am having dandruff issues too. I am sure both are related to riding the Blitzkrieg cancer go round.

I have a prescription to keep the rosacea in check. The itchy, flaky scalp is another story. As the day goes on the back of my head feels like it is on fire.

The tea tree shampoo my hairdresser suggested made it worse. Neither Husband nor I like the smell of tree tea oil either. FAIL.

The drugstore dandruff shampoo my doctor recommended takes care of the itch and fire. Unfortunately, that dandruff shampoo rates a 6 to 7 (Moderate to High Hazard) on the Skin Deep database and I'm not very comfortable with since we are  dealing with canine cancer. I don't want to add any more family members to the cancer club thankyouverymuch.

I thought I was stuck until I received an amazing set of Oils of Aloha kukui oil (pronounced coo-coo-ee), lotion, moisturizer, cleanser, soap, and lip balm to review from The Balancing Act. The Balancing Act likes to challenge me to develop recipes with interesting ingredients like the Oils of Aloha Macadamia Cooking Oil I also received because I am their food blogger.

According to Oils of Aloha, kukui oil is an excellent moisturizer, it relieves sunburn and skin damage from radiation therapy, and relieves eczema and psoriasis. Oils of Aloha products are paraben free.


Since kukui oil is good for eczema, psoriasis, and cradle cap, and the cleanser got my rosacea under control without help from my prescription (I'm out and holding off doctor's visits for now),  I wonder if kukui oil can extinguish my burning scalp with some kinder to me ingredients? 

Homemade Dandruff Shampoo Recipe

I tested my theory by modifying One Good Thing’s homemade coconut shampoo recipe  into kinder to me homemade dandruff shampoo.

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You will need:

¼ cup Coconut Milk (I used the carton of coconut milk I had in the refrigerator. Coconut milk from a can works too.)

1/3 cup Liquid Castile Soap

1 – ¾ teaspoon Kukui Oil - I like Oils of Aloha's kukui oil but is is very expensive! I'm including a link to a more affordable brand of 100% kukui oil. It is still a little spendy but a bottle seems to last forever. A little oil goes a long, long way.

Empty bottle

Optional: One Good Thing added a few drops of essential oil. I left it out because I like the smell of coconut on its own.

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Make it:

1.Combine the coconut milk, liquid castile soap, Kukui oil, and essential oil if desired in the bottle.

2. Shake the bottle to mix the contents and shampoo your hair as desired.

3. It is best to make small batches of this shampoo since it contains unrefrigerated coconut milk.

Does Homemade Dandruff Shampoo Work?

In the past, I tried washing my hair with straight up castile soap. My hair was clean but felt like straw.

The moisturizing aspects of the coconut milk and kukui oil keep my hair from feeling dry. My hair felt just as clean and shiny as it did before this flare up. However, I still need to use a conditioner after the homemade dandruff shampoo just as I do with a commercial dandruff shampoo.

Half way into Day One the scalp on the back of my head did not feel like it was on fire that is rare for this flare up even with the commercial dandruff shampoo. I like the results so much that I am making Homemade Dandruff Shampoo my One Small Green Change for April.
Disclosure: Oils of Aloha sent me samples to facilitate this review. This did not influence my opinion nor does being a Balancing Act Community Blogger.

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Kristi said...

Got it! Don't lick the soap no matter how yummy it smells! Thanks for the review!

mrsm said...

Thanks for linking this, the "add a drop of tea tree oil to your shampoo" thing wasn't working for me, maybe this will.

Christine said...

Great review!!

Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

You are so funny, Lisa! Did you REALLY lick the soap? I hope your itchy, burning scalp has calmed down now. ;)

Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday.

Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Very interesting recipe - I have had no luck with tea tree oil either, and Head & Shoulders has stopped working.

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

I'm going to go with I'm very thorough with my product reviews and not with the I was huffing yummy smelling soap too much and ingested a bit by accident.

Selynn said...

I ordered the KuKui oil and since I'm on a Goats Milk kick right now, I'm going to try it with that instead of the coconut milk! I can't wait for it to come in so I can try it! Thanks!

Lizzy said...

What a great idea! I'm going to make a batch and give it out as bday presents to my friends. I'll bottle it nicely.

Anonymous said...

sounds great!

Lisa O said...

If I make a larger batch could I freeze it until I am ready to use it?

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