My grandfather made me this train toy box when I was a little girl. As you can see, he made it with a lot of love.
And skill. My grandfather had mad carpentry skills he learned from his father the carpenter.
My train toy box has tremendous sentimental value. It was also the most difficult item to keep and make work in the new guest room/craft room. This is the only place we have room for my toy box. Husband suggested I repaint it to go with the color scheme I first wanted for the room.
I quickly vetoed that idea.
Every ding bump and scratch on my toy box came from two little girls having a good time pushing each other around their playroom in this train.
This vintage toy box on wheels probably horrifies some kid safety expert because the wheels and vehicle aren’t incased in bubble wrap and the children riding in it didn’t wear safety suits and helmets made from organic feather pillows. Thank goodness we survived!