And Beltane!
Or as I like to call it Spray Paint Weather!
Whoo hoo! Back flips and the happy dance!
My leg hasn't healed and I'm still in a boot, so the the back flips and happy dance are only happening in my mind right now.
But now that it is over 40 degrees (F) and even with my foot in a boot, the spray painting will commence!
I like to spray paint outside because of the fumes. The paint dries more quickly too. I can't do that if it is a windy day. Spray painting in the wind is just as successful as spitting into the wind. Guess how I know?
A windy day was just another factor in this hot mess of a painted headboard.
I fixed it by resanding the bumpy, uneven, crackled areas smooth and repainting the headboard inside the garage.
I tack drop cloths to the walls in the garage to protect them from spray paint over spray as well as using a drop cloth on the floor. That way I can walk around large pieces and paint it from all sides without accidentally spraying anything else.
To paint small pieces like the six back holders I use for craft paint storage in my craft room, I break out my fancy spray paint booth, plunk it on the work-in-progress workbench, and spray paint away.
These organized shelves make me so happy. I hope I can keep them this way.
I am going to share the plans for my ultra easy spray paint booth so you can paint inside without worry too!
How to Make a Spray Paint Booth

1. Find a box.
2. Put the box on its side.
3. Put the thing in the box.
4. Paint the thing inside the box and allow it to dry.
5. If the box eventually gets icky, recycle the box. Keep the planet tidy!
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 as needed.
Ta da! You made a cardboard spray paint booth!
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