Most people, including myself, take that plain Jane button beside the door for granted. As long as it connects to a functional door chime unit inside the house doorbells are something you typically don't think about replacing until it breaks.
That's a shame. Especially if you are lucky to have a period home.
Is it possible to fall in love with a doorbell? I think I have.
Photos courtesy of Home to Cottage
Home to Cottage is a shining example of what changing a little detail like a doorbell can do to jazz up the door to your home. Liz and her husband are renovating a 100 year old house. Their sad little electric doorbell just wasn't cutting it. She replaced it with a manual metal doorbell (bonus points for being green!) that looks just the servants bells in Downton Abby.
All the points to you Liz! I am a big Downton Abby fan and an even bigger fan of the charm your servants bell door bell adds to your home.
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