I’ll admit it was odd to get into the car and see the mirror was sitting on the front seat like it expected me to drive it somewhere after it popped off.
Replacing the car would be a fun way to repair the rear view mirror until I remembered that as much as I love cars (and I really do) I hate car shopping.
I despise the haggling, the fake let-me-talk-to-my-manager dance (seriously. they are salespeople who know how, when, and where they can go only so low on the pricing,) and worse how I’m often treated like I am an idiot who doesn’t know anything about cars (my father worked in the industry.)
That may not be an exclusively female customer thing because a male friend who is a car nut also gets treated like he can barely put the key in the ignition when he goes to a car dealership.
Besides, the car is paid for. Fix instead of replace it is!
The Quick and Easy Way to Reattach a Car Mirror to a Windshield
Super glue and the like will hold for awhile but not permanently stick to the window (guess how I know?) I strongly recommend not grabbing the first glue bottle you have at home and trying to use it. You will eventually be sorry.
So save yourself some extra trouble and buy rear view mirror adhesive. Rear view mirror glue is an epoxy made specifically to glue the metal mirror bracket (also called a button) to glass.It’s only a couple of bucks and comes in a kit with everything you need to make this quick and easy 5 minute fix (minus drying and setting time of course.)You will need:
Rearview Mirror Adhesive Kit This is the kit I used and recommend everything you need to do this project is in the kit.
Hair Dryer
Painter’s 5 in 1 Tool
Chalk or a grease pencil
Disclosure: I am including affiliate links in this post for your convenience.
How to Repair It:
1. Use a piece of a chalk or a grease pencil on the outside of the windshield to outline the area where you want to remount the rear view mirror.
2. Use the hair dryer to heat and soften any old mirror adhesive and remove it with Painter’s 5 in 1 tool or razor blade from the inside of the windshield. Be careful not to accidentally scratch the glass!
3. Slide to remove the metal button from the arm of the review mirror. Remove any dried adhesive from the button if necessary.
You can see how the metal button slides out of the mirror bracket.
4. Use the cleaning towel to wipe down the area of the inside of the windshield you want to reattach the rear view mirror and allow the cleaning fluid to dry.
Clean up time!
5. Apply a few drops of mirror adhesive to the center of the metal mirror button bracket, and using the markings on the outside of the windshield, glue the button into place.
Tip: You’ll probably have to hold the button in place for a couple of minutes or so the glue will set.
6. When the car mirror adhesive to completely dry (I waited 24 hours to be safe) slide and reattach the review mirror onto the button.
All done!
7. Clean the marks off the outside of you car windshield and take her for a spin!
Looking for more replacement rear view mirror or car mirror repair options? Check out the following ideas - and more - below!
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I was in the same predicament. Someone decided to help out and fix it while i was gone....now how do i get the button off the windshield if that someone happened to put it back on upside down....?
I was in the same predicament. Someone decided to help out and fix it while i was gone....now how do i get the button off the windshield if that someone happened to put it back on upside down....?
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