Condo Blues: Easy Moss Stitch Crochet Scarf and Ear Warmer

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Easy Moss Stitch Crochet Scarf and Ear Warmer

While poking around on Pinterest (follow me on Pinterest @condoblues pretty please?) for new and different beginner friendly crochet stitches, I kept coming back to projects using the moss stitch. I recently made Stitching Toghether's Moss Stitch Ear Warmer pattern (a quick and easy scrap yarn project, by the way) and liked is so much (and got compliments when I wore it) that I wanted to try to make her matchingCrochet Moss Stitch Scarf pattern

I need a thicker winter scarf. Fortunately I found a skein of yarn in my yarn stash I bought to make a practice crochet project that I forgot what I had planned to make with it.

Ain’t that just the way?

(To quote my favorite mini- series, Over the Garden Wall.You can watch it here. ) (Disclosure: I am including affiliate links for your convenience.)

So I got these two crazy kids together and crocheted a cute winter scarf


how to moss stitch crochet a scarf and ear warmer
Save this easy crochet idea to your Pinterest boards for later! Share it with your friends!


Stitching Together’s pattern is easy to follow and didn’t take very long to make. I also realized that most of these more complicated crochet stitches like the moss stitch are really combining two very simple crochet stitches (single crochet and chain stitch.) Pop in some double crochet rows in the center and she creates an interesting detail that only looks difficult.  


easy crochet scarf pattern
I must admit, the real secret to my crochet success was using a crochet stitch and row counter similar to this one. Losing my place and miscounting are the two things that made me almost give up trying to relearn crochet a much of times.

Especially for someone who is still getting the hang of this craft and crochets sllllllooooowwwwwllllllyyy. 

I made the scarf a little less wide than written because I’m short and I hoped I’d have just enough have enough yarn left over to crochet a matching earwarmer . I had juuust enough yarn left over for the ear warmer if I used a single crochet stitch for the first and last rows instead of a double crochet as written. 


quick and easy moss stitch crochet scarf and head band pattern
The pattern has a double crochet border at the top and bottom of the head band which is a nice detail I wish I had enough yarn to do.

Looking for more crochet yarn, tools, and accessories? Check out the following ideas - and more! - below!

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