Condo Blues: How to Dye Suede Shoes

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Dye Suede Shoes

I bought a pair of cream suede oxford shoes similar to these thinking they would look cute with jeans but didn’t wear them very often because of the color. Changing the color is easy as dying the shoe. Since these are basically an extra I have and don’t’ wear I decided to go with something fun and dye my suede shoes blue with this exact suede shoe dye. *Cue Elvis joke here* (Disclosure: I am including affiliate links in this post for your convenience)

I was very nervous about messing up this project and put it aside for quite awhile after I bought the dye. Once I got up the nerve to do it I learned dying shoes a new color isn’t hard, just a little messy so make sure you protect your work surface and you’ll be fine.

how to redye suede shoes a new color
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How to Dye Shoes a New Color

1. Remove the shoe laces and clean the shoes with a suede brush like this one.

2. Tape of the shoe soles with painter’s tape (painter’s tape looks like this.) I also taped over the brand tag because I didn’t want to accidentally dye it.

how to protect shoe soles from dye and polish
We who are about to dye salute you!

3. Stuff the shoes with old newspaper if you like.

4. Wearing gloves like these (I can’t stress this enough unless you like walking around with Smurf blue hands until the dye wears off) dip the dauber into the dye and use it to apply dye to your shoes.

It was helpful to move the dauber back and forth over each area of the shoe I dyed to make sure I covered both sides of the nap with dye.

how to dye suede leather

I used a toothbrush to dye the areas I couldn’t get the dauber to cover well like around the stitching. If there was an area of suede nap I couldn’t dye completely with the dauber I used a back and forth motion with the dye covered toothbrush.

how to dye suede shoes

I applied one light coat of dye, allowed it to dry overnight, and applied a second coat the next day to get nice, even, and dark blue colored shoes.

5. Remove the painter’s tape from the shoes, if applicable.

6. Once the shoe dye has dried use a suede brush to brush the nap of the shoes into place if needed.

7. Lace them up and don’t step on my upcycled blue suede shoes!

how to dye suede shoes
New to me shoes!

If you'd rather buy than DIY check out these suede shoe options - and more! - below!

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Unique creations by Anita said...

Cool way to get a new pair of shoes.

Teresa B said...

Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. I love the new color! Pinned.

Lisa Lynn said...

I love the new color! How fun! I don't have any suede shoes, but now I want to try this. :)
Thanks so much for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays! I can't wait to see what you are up to this week! said...

Thank you for sharing this! I have a pair of black suede flats that could really use a refresh! I can't wait to try this!

Lynn said...

Hi, sorry late to the show, but loving this colour, could you tell me what colour it is please xx

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