Condo Blues

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DIY His and Hers Diva, Maestro Signs

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FrogTape brand painter’s tape for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

While shifting items around in my craft room I found two blank plaques I bought to make His and Hers signs for the house. I figure it is about time I do the project but with a twist. Instead of labeling our items His and Hers, I invoked our old renaissance festival characters and made Diva and Maestro  signs.

DIY Diva and Maestro sign

How to Make Diva and Maestro Signs

13 DIY Craft Storage Ideas

I’m taking the opportunity to rethink how I organize my craft supplies as part of my craft room/guest room remodel. When I bought our house my main hobby was sewing and costume design. All of my other craft supplies fit into my vintage wood crate storage drawers.

Don’t worry. I am not giving these beauties up! 
They will get a tweak in the new room. Stay tuned!

Soda Six Pack Organizers kept all six of my craft paints organized.

Well, OK. This is a beer six pack organizer. I have several soda six pack holders covered with wrapping paper organizing other bits and bobs throughout the house and in my craft room.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to Make a Fake Vintage Wood Crate

I need more food storage space in my kitchen. I know, I know who doesn't?

In my case we have one three shelf cupboard that holds actual food and the other cabinets hold dishes, mugs, and a bunch of empty mason jars waiting for our garden to ripen.

Replacing the current kitchen cabinets with my dream of cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling isn't on the 2013 DIY List. Someday, but not today.

 Where can I find space in our small kitchen?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Opinionated? Share Them for Rewards @Yappem

I stumbled upon a screaming good clearance sale while running errands – heavy cotton t shirts for 50 cents each. I snapped up several for future t shirt projects – the holidays are coming up soon. I wanted to get the word out quickly and to my on line social networks since it is an unadvertised sale. I figured now is as good as time as any to share the experience using Yappem (since they asked me to help them get the word out. I figured I better give it a good test!)


I learned about Yappem when I attended the Awesome Party in Chicago last month. Yappem is a new social media network where you can post your retail and brand experiences and share the  information to your Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, email, and my Yappem followers at the same time using one app. 
As much as I love technology and being an early adopter, I wondered if we really need another social media network to keep tabs on, I mean, isn’t this what Yelp is for?

Well, no.