Condo Blues

Sunday, July 10, 2016

How to Make a Bottle Cap Mosaic Chair

mushrooms growing in chairs

The cute little mosaic tile bistro set on our patio has lived outside in the rain sleet and snow for a very long time.

How long?

Long enough for the elements to take their toll and dry rot the wood base of the table and all of the chairs.
The thing I like best about the current set is the size and design of the metal ice cream parlor style chairs (minus the mushrooms.)  I wasn’t in love with anything I saw in the stores as a replacement.

Well, when I can’t buy I DIY!

Recycled Bottle Cap Craft Tutorial

   Pin this recycled bottle cap craft idea for later!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to Keep Your Dog From Being Scared of Fireworks

Fireworks are fun for the family to watch but are torture for your dog.

Big bangs, sizzles, and firecracker pops in Dog World mean “Panic! Run away from the noise! It is something that will hurt you! Run!”

In Human World, we stand there and stare at gunpowder exploding over our heads and say, “So pretty!” Which probably isn't very smart Human World.

How to Desensitize Your Dog to Fireworks

 Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to keep your dog from crying, whining, barking, and freaking out during a fireworks show on the Fourth of July.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How to Install a New Doorbell Chime and Button

Normally I’m a fix it instead of replace it kind of gal but neither Husband nor I have any great love for our builder basic doorbell. When our doorbell wouldn’t chime even after I replaced the transformer, we took the opportunity to upgrade it to a door chime we can actually hear from upstairs as well as down.

I wanted a pretty doorbell button to replace the plastic builder grade monstrosity we had. Husband thought the door chimes that played different music and tones are more fun than the faint, “ding dong!” that bit the dust.

How to Install a New Doorbell Chime and Button
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So of course we acted like two dorks testing all of the doorbell chimes in Lowes multiple times to find one we liked.

Sorry Lowes fellow shoppers.

Sometimes we are 12.

We bought the Utilitech Wireless Doorbell and Utilitech Antique Brass Doorbell Button (affiliate links for your convenience) to coordinate with the front doorknob and lock. This particular doorbell comes with a bunch of chimes (we are currently using the Westminster chimes setting.)

I got the opportunity to pick out a prettier doorbell button. Most importantly this doorbell lets us hardwire it to our current doorbell wiring although you can also install it as a wireless doorbell if you like.

We wanted to stay with a hardwired doorbell so we didn’t have to play Where are the rest of the rechargeable batteries? Did you recharge them? game on a regular basis but that’s just us.

How to Replace a Hard Wired Doorbell

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer $150 IKEA Gift Card Giveaway!

Many, many, many people take on decorating and DIY projects during the summer because you can work in a big outside space of your yard with wild abandon. Let's hear it for spray paint weather! Woo hoo!

Of course, if you want to decorate with, paint, or hack a piece of furniture or five you need a place to start and everyone knows IKEA is the just the place for that.

Besides supplies, time, and warm weather to work outside, you do know what else helps when you want to start a DIY or decorating project?


And I hope to give it TO YOU!
I figure why not spread some summer sunshine you by getting together with a group of fabulous bloggers and give away to one lucky reader a $150 IKEA gift card so you can shop your little heart for something to hack, decorate, or DIY for your most fabulous abode!