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Husband wrote this
tribute about Blitzkrieg’s life and our love for
him. I cannot find better words than his to describe our boy, his journey, and our heartache.
I need to explain this because not everyone will completely
understand our sadness right now.
Many people who have known Blitzkrieg will understand this, but some will not. But that's okay. It's unusual to experience this much loss over a pet. I just hope I can explain this in a way that will make it easier to understand our grief.
Blitzkrieg was not just a beloved pet. Nor was he just a "family

Many people who have known Blitzkrieg will understand this, but some will not. But that's okay. It's unusual to experience this much loss over a pet. I just hope I can explain this in a way that will make it easier to understand our grief.
Blitzkrieg was a soul we rescued from darkness.
When we got him, he was an abused dog with one eye. He was fearful and nervous. If you understand dogs, their demeanor and their body language, you could tell that he was stressed out all the time. And he was not happy. He was not capable of being happy. He only understood punishment and escape.
After years of working with him, he came to be trusting,
happy, a goofball, and a truly loving companion. He was happy. We loved him and
he loved us.

When the end was near we held on for as long as we could,
perhaps longer than some might have thought we should have. But this was not
just because we weren't ready to let him go. It was because he wasn't ready to
leave us. He held out for us as long as he could, and even when his eye was
closed over, when he wasn't able to do all the things he used to do, he greeted
us each morning with affection, happily taking food from our hands and giving
us his affectionate "head butts,” lingering at our side for pets.
The literature tells us that dogs don't know what they're
going through when they're dying; that they struggle on because they don't know
there is any alternative. Blitzkrieg simply didn't act like that. This dog
always broke all the rules, and in the end he seemed to know what was going on
and seemed determined to squeeze out as much life and time with us as we could.
He was stubborn, and he was the dog we taught him to be: determined to meet
each challenge on his own terms, and loving to the end. He had taught us to
think differently about dogs, in his final days no less than in the life he
There will come a time when we have another dog in our home. It will be a rescue dog. It will be another troubled creature that someone else had abandoned because he or she was not convenient. When that dog is in our home and in our lives, we will be able to point to that massive picture of Blitzkrieg's face (that little camera hound) in our living room and say, "This is the reason we are able to be for you what we are. Because this guy taught us where a dog can come from, and what he can become. And he taught us what we are capable of. It is a gift we will always have to pay forward, and a love we must always share for any troubled dog that just needs a chance and a loving home. Because no dog is hopeless. They just haven't found the right humans yet."
Blitzkrieg, I can never tell you how much I will miss you. You were the smartest dog I have ever known. You had more personality than any dog I had ever met. Right now there is a big empty hole in my heart, and I know you left it there for some lucky, deserving, lost little dog to fill. But there will never be another like you, and we will always cherish your memory. I am bereft. I celebrate the love you taught us that we will pass on to every other lost soul that we can. We are better pet owners, and better people, for having you in our lives. And I pray that
I love you, my friend. Rest in peace. I hope I will see you again someday.
I have tears upon learning that Blitz is gone, and reading this beautiful tribute to him. My heart goes out to you both.
I am so sorry for your profound loss. You and Blitzkrieg were lucky to have found each other! We only borrow our beloved pets.
You have my deepest sympathy.
What a beautiful tribute to a very special dog. I am crying my eyes out for you and your husband. I believe that Blitzkrieg will be with you might not see him or touch him but he is there. I heard a Will Rogers (random!) quote that I think you will like: If there are no dogs in heaven then when I die I want to go where they went. Please take comfort that many are sending you love.
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I have tears in my eyes from reading this beautiful tribute. *hugs*
I will be sad to not see Blitzkrieg out and about with you both. You both did so much for him and had such great patience. He was as lucky to have you and you were to have him. He was and is a blessed dog. It will be hard but it will get better. Another dog will come into your lives who will serve a different purpose for you, just be open and they will find you.
Love and hugs to you both. - Carolyn S
So sorry to hear of Blitzkrieg's passing. Losing a beloved animal companion is never easy. He certainly had a good run!
What a beautiful tribute to Blitzkrieg. How wonderful that you took a broken soul and turned it into a loving creature. May you take comfort in your memories.
This just makes me feel so sad for your loss. Blitzkreig was a wonderful dog, and when paired with the right humans, flourished wonderfully. I am just sorry I never got to meet him in person. May it give you some comfort that his years with you where totally happy ones.
Rob and Romeo
I am so sorry for your loss. You were amazing owners and when the time is right I hope you rescue another precious soul.
I'm so sorry for your loss, and feel for you. I hope you find peace.....
I'm so sorry. Losing a family member is just so painful. You're in my thoughts!
So sorry, Lisa.
My mom, too, lost her rescue dog last week. He ended up saving their lives by alerting them to a house fire. There are no words to express my sorrow for you both.
Awesome tribute. I enjoyed reading this post very much. I met your little guy once. I am saddened by your loss; my heart aches for you both. Kerrie
I type with tears in my eyes for your loss. And I celebrate all that you learned from and gave to that sweetest of dogs.
Sue Clarke
I am so sorry for your loss. I'm crying as I write this. Reading your blog, you have become part of my family and so has Blietzkreig. I was pulling for him to win. I have rescues and have had to say good bye to them also and it is never ever easy. But now Bleitzkreig is out of pain and he is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
You and Blietzkreig are in my prayers.
Take care,
Karen S.
Hugs and prayers
So sorry for your loss. You are incredible nurturers and I know he lived a great life because of you two. He is making room for you to rescue other unfortunate four legged babies and he's is watching over you and his pals in need. Until then, big hug goes out to you both.
Oh Lisa, my heart is hurting for you both. I know how hard it is to lose a dog, especially one who is more than a dog, but actually a fur baby. Thinking about you both while times are tough.
*sniffles* Sweet story!
What a beautiful tribute to Blietzkreig. I'm truly sorry for your loss. God bless you both and Blietzkreig <3
I am just getting caught up on my reading and just saw this post. I am so sorry! I cannot imagine your sorrow. Big hugs to you both! I know in my heart that the Rainbow Bridge is real and that we will all see our beloved companions again.
(((hugs))) I'm sorry.
Oh I am so sorry he lost his fight. That is always so hard, and I know what you mean about them being more than just a pet. That's wonderful that you find animals needing rescue and will again. I just wish you didn't have to....
Great, loving post about your poor pup... gave me tears and a lump in my throat. I have 3 kitties that I rescued, and I will be giving them extra snuggles tonight! It's hard to move on but like you said the need is (unfortunately) always there for other animals to be rescued. {hugs}
Having rescued over 20 dogs providing hospice care, (mostly Pekes! and at one point 10 blind or one eyed dogs)) I DO get how you are feeling. I'm so so sorry. Many hugs to you. What a blessing you were to that dog, and I know exactly how much of a blessing he was to you.
Here's some stories of our furbabies. this is my old personal blog, pw protected allynesma/ally84
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