It didn't surprise me when Husband upgraded his phone for work with a Samsung Galaxy S4 like mine. It's a sweet phone! (That's not an ad or anything. I just like Android phones.)

I promptly gave Husband a Don't Panic phone cover so we can tell whose phone is whose. He has the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and I have the TARDIS. We are set when it comes to interstellar travel!
What do to? I made a cute Andriod phone charger instead of risking it on an off brand.
I covered my smart phone charger in washi tape to coordinate with my phone case. The project took all of 10 minutes. It should have taken less time than that but I had to search for where I put my washi tape stash in my craft room.
The phone plug is not quite TARDIS blue but that's OK. It is cute. It is free. And it took only a few seconds to ensure it stays mine.
How did we ever tell our phone chargers apart before washi tape?
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