The Winter That Will Not End is giving Husband and I have a serious case of Cabin Fever. We’ve had to cancel a lot of activities due to white out conditions and icy roads.

Even Lacey is feeling it. Poor thing hasn’t had a proper walk in weeks due to the snow and dangerously low temperatures.
Husband decided to spice things up by sharing his cold with me. Now I’m fighting Cabin Fever AND a cold – blah!
We can’t make a quick trip South to soak up some sun because you guys are getting are getting it too.
Complaining about it won’t make the winter blahs go away either.
I’m fighting Cabin Fever the only way I know how.
I’m making fun of it!
I’m inviting your to a n I’m Tired of Winter Let’s Have a Beach Party party on my blogs Condo Blues and Lazy Budget Chef!
I asked some of my favorite bloggers for their favorite beachy themed food, drinks, and decorations. Lazy Budget Chef will host the food and drink buffet. Condo Blues will host the winter beach party decorations and activities.
I Need To Go Where It’s Warm Winter Beach Party Décor Ideas
Oops! Hold up. We can’t have a beach party without the right music.
I’m sure Jimmy has Vegan and Vegetarian options in paradise if that’s what you like.
He thinks about these things you know.
That’s better.
Let’s party!
Creating Really Awesome Free Things (CRAFT) decorated with her Beach Inspired Baby Shower décor because with a few tweaks any of her ideas will work for a birthday, retirement, or I Need Some Not Snow in My Life Right Now party too.
Photo courtesy of Creating Really Awesome Free Things (CRAFT)

When it comes to the decorating and preparing food and drink, my bloggy friends do not let me down with options that are so cute you may not notice how eco friendly they are!
The Country Chic Cottage provides the cloth napkins in cute Hand Stamped Napkin Rings for the food table.
Mod Podge Rocks lights up my life and food table with a pair of Faux beach glass mason jar lanterns because I love collecting beach glass!
My Frugal Adventures said my plain Jane cooler just won’t do for serving drinks in recyclable glass bottles. I will be using her Easy Ice Chest Makeover tutorial on our ice chest next summer because it is cuter way to ID a cooler.
No need for drink charms at this party! Buttons Galore and More prettied up some Fancy Straws with Buttons for all our tropical party drinks.
Has all of this partying has to make you hungry? Good! Head over to Lazy Budget Chef and fill our plates and glasses with Winter Beach Party food and drink!
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