Condo Blues: 9 Ways to Replace Plastic Wrap in the Kitchen

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

9 Ways to Replace Plastic Wrap in the Kitchen

I have a like – hate relationship with plastic cling wrap. I like on those rare occasions that it actually and fully sticks to a container to keep food fresh. I also hate it most of the time because, no matter what type or brand, it never sticks, food dries out or gets freezer burn, and I end up tossing the spoiled food and the plastic wrap in the trash.

So it was no great stretch for me to find a way to keep food fresh without plastic wrap. Once I started using my Swiss Army knife of easy alternatives,  I noticed we also reduced the amount of weekly household trash by quite a bit. Yay!

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Now I’m not some perfect plastic wrap free guru looking down my nose at you from a mountain top if you use plastic wrap. Truth be told, I still buy shrink wrapped meat and produce at Aldi and Trader Joe’s. I use my Foodsaver (affiliate link for your convenience) to repackage large meat buys in meal size chunks for my freezer that I don’t want freezer burned. 

But for the most part, I use my alternatives because they easier, less trashy, and cheaper because I’m not tossing them after one use. I still have a roll of plastic wrap and use on rare occasions but I’ve had the same roll for maybe three years? I’m not sure. I lost count.

Ready to keep food fresh for longer and without the plastic wrap waste? Pop on over to my food blog Lazy Budget Chef and read my post:

Nine Plastic Cling Wrap Alternatives

Your trash can – and wallet! – will be happy you did!

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