When someone brings up trying to reduce their household waste with zero waste living and one of the first things they ask is me is why does it have to be so strict, expensive, and hard?
I understand how you can get that impression seeing photos online of DIY everything, people using plastic free as a synonym for zero waste (plastic free living is a noble goal but is not the same thing, ) and mason jars full of one year’s trash, but those are the rare, edited for the Internet exceptions, and not the reality.
I get it. I truly do. Local laws prohibit me from using my own containers at bulk bins, my farm markets are only open during the summer, and frankly both of those options are more expensive than Aldi where I can do a monthly grocery shop in under an hour. However, over time I was able to reduce my household weekly trash to a small grocery store size bag a week.
How do we do it?
Showing posts with label zero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zero. Show all posts
Sunday, December 15, 2019
How to Go Zero Waste on a Budget: Use the Rule of Half
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
12/15/2019 08:30:00 AM
eco friendly ideas
low waste
reduce waste
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
6 Ways Plastic Helps Me Live Zero Waste
Almost every blog post I read that offers tips and tricks how to live Zero Waste they almost always use plastic free as a synonym. They say something like, “We got rid of all of our plastic stuff and bought the same exact thing in wood/bamboo/natural fiber to replace it and wow how cool we are living zero waste now!”
It. Drives. Me. Crazy.
Throwing away usable items to buy a cool looking replacement is the exact opposite of zero waste living folks!
Zero waste living means giving up using disposable single use plastic and items as much as possible, not no plastic at all.
Plastic free is great but that is a different goal.
It. Drives. Me. Crazy.
Throwing away usable items to buy a cool looking replacement is the exact opposite of zero waste living folks!
Zero waste living means giving up using disposable single use plastic and items as much as possible, not no plastic at all.
Plastic free is great but that is a different goal.
6 Easy Ways to Live Zero Waste (ish) and Save Money Doing It!
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Wednesday, April 25, 2018
How to Make Reusable Zero Waste Makeup Remover Pads
I have a very bad habit of by passing the wash cloth by the bathroom sink at night and not washing the makeup off my face before I go to bed.
Why? Laziness I guess.
The only time I remember to do it at night is when I have leftover disposable face wipes I use when I travel for the convenience. I try to limit the amount of one time use disposables I use on a regular basis and let’s face it, wash cloths are reusable and paper face wipes are not.
How to Sew Super Soft Flannel Cloth Makeup Remover Pads
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
8 Zero Waste Lies
If you are trying to be a Zero Waste or Trash Fee home you try to reduce the need to use the landfill by refusing, reducing, reusing, repairing, recycling, and donating your household waste to get your output to as close to zero as you can.
There are some in Internet Land who show you how they do it with Pinterest perfect photos of bamboo toothbrushes like these, stylishly minimalist rooms (you can learn about the minimalism movement here), and haughtily looking down their nose at people who – gasp! – follow low waste practices because their primary goal is to pay off bills, live within their means, or save money, with environmental concerns coming in a close second or even lower down the list.
Disclosure: I am including some affiliate links in this post for your convenience.
There are some in Internet Land who show you how they do it with Pinterest perfect photos of bamboo toothbrushes like these, stylishly minimalist rooms (you can learn about the minimalism movement here), and haughtily looking down their nose at people who – gasp! – follow low waste practices because their primary goal is to pay off bills, live within their means, or save money, with environmental concerns coming in a close second or even lower down the list.
Disclosure: I am including some affiliate links in this post for your convenience.
8 Truths of Trash Free and Zero Waste Living
In my over 10 years of blogging about green living and doing it in one form or another for even longer, I know there are some truths to Zero Waste Living and I also know that the reality is not always what you see in those Pinterest perfect Zero Waste Kitchens either.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Zero Waste DIY Recycled Penguin Gift Box
I finished the last of my birthday mango green tea (thanks sis!) just in time to recycle the tea container into a cute little penguin gift box.
If you don’t have a round tea container, you can use any round container you have like an oatmeal, snack container, or what have you.
You will need:
If you don’t have a round tea container, you can use any round container you have like an oatmeal, snack container, or what have you.
You will need:
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Elizabethan Doublet Costume Reveal!
My husband needed a new Elizabethan nobleman costume when he performs at renaissance festivals. It is a tricky business because the history geek in me wants to be as historically accurate as possible.
However unlike a living history museum, what we do is historical entertainment. Being outdoors in all temperatures and weather conditions means there are some liberties I have to take in the clothing design, construction, and preferences of the guy wearing it. In other words, please don’t yell at me historical clothing purists. I know where I did not follow Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws (dress code.) Thank you.
I gave you a costume project sneak peak in Elizabethan Doublet Costume Work in Progress. I cut the velvet front of the doublet trim larger than my pattern so I could hoop it and spent a 12 hour day doing nothing but embroidering the border design over and over holding my breath every time hoping everything will line up when I finished. Thank goodness it did!
However unlike a living history museum, what we do is historical entertainment. Being outdoors in all temperatures and weather conditions means there are some liberties I have to take in the clothing design, construction, and preferences of the guy wearing it. In other words, please don’t yell at me historical clothing purists. I know where I did not follow Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws (dress code.) Thank you.
I gave you a costume project sneak peak in Elizabethan Doublet Costume Work in Progress. I cut the velvet front of the doublet trim larger than my pattern so I could hoop it and spent a 12 hour day doing nothing but embroidering the border design over and over holding my breath every time hoping everything will line up when I finished. Thank goodness it did!
Gold metallic thread would make the embroidery really sing. After a few frustrating test pieces I learned there is a finesse to machine embroidering with metallic thread that I do not have yet. That is a skill to learn for another day.
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
9/28/2017 02:54:00 PM
Monday, August 28, 2017
Elizabethan Doublet Costume Work in Progress
This time of year most folks are looking forward to their favorite fall holidays and pumpkin spice everything.
As much as I hate to see summer slowly transition into fall, it signals one of my favorite times of the year:
Costume Season!
I gave a tiny sneak peak of my latest costuming project on Instagram (follow me @condoblues on Instagram pretty please?) an Elizabethan doublet, breeches, and hat for my husband. I'm machine embroidering all of the velvet trim like a crazy person.
As much as I hate to see summer slowly transition into fall, it signals one of my favorite times of the year:
Costume Season!
I gave a tiny sneak peak of my latest costuming project on Instagram (follow me @condoblues on Instagram pretty please?) an Elizabethan doublet, breeches, and hat for my husband. I'm machine embroidering all of the velvet trim like a crazy person.
A post shared by Lisa (@condoblues) on
This eagle will appear on the back of the jacket, flanked by two embroidered flourishes. I bought the killer machine embroidery files from Urban Threads.
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
8/28/2017 12:33:00 PM
Monday, July 31, 2017
36 of the Best Zero Waste Lunch Bags for Back to School
I'm on a bit of Zero Waste kick lately. Well, more like Trying to Reduce Our Household Trash Each Week Without Living Like Little House on the Prairie Because Electricity and Indoor Plumbing Are Fantastic but that is too much to write over and over in one blog post.
Specifically, I'm looking for low waste lunch bags and container ideas.
I'm finding it is better for me to pack a dairy free lunch, dinner, or snack to better deal with my food allergy when I'm on the go. I like to travel as light as I can (especially if I'm at an event and have to cart stuff with me all day,) I don't want my food to dry out before lunch (which means cloth snack bags are out) and as much as I love my glass food containers they are too heavy and impractical.
All of that and it must be attractive without looking like something a preschooler would carry.
Specifically, I'm looking for low waste lunch bags and container ideas.
I'm finding it is better for me to pack a dairy free lunch, dinner, or snack to better deal with my food allergy when I'm on the go. I like to travel as light as I can (especially if I'm at an event and have to cart stuff with me all day,) I don't want my food to dry out before lunch (which means cloth snack bags are out) and as much as I love my glass food containers they are too heavy and impractical.
All of that and it must be attractive without looking like something a preschooler would carry.
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
7/31/2017 01:12:00 PM
Back to School
waste. back
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Friday Favorites Linky Party 372
Hello friends! Before we get this week's party started, I want to remind you that we are looking for a few new host and hostess blogs to share and expand our circle of fun!
If you are interested, plase complete the form at the bottom of this post.
Let's get this party started

If you are interested, plase complete the form at the bottom of this post.
Let's get this party started
Please support and follow our lovely blog party hostesses:
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Friday Favorites Linky Party 371
I really enjoy discovering the DIY and craft projects, recipes, and clever ideas you submit to our link party every week. You make it difficult to select only one project as my favorite to feature each week!
For example, there were three projects last week that I would have chosen to features if I could:
A Wagon for the Riding Mower by Just Measuring up because it is MAD GENIUS side of cute dog giving the wagon a test ride. I am a sucker for dogs hands down.
Discovering Nara: Japan’s Ancient City from Sunny Coastlines because it makes me want to go back to Japan and discover this beautiful city with Husband.
My third pick is actually my first pick. Let's get this party started so you can read it below!

For example, there were three projects last week that I would have chosen to features if I could:
A Wagon for the Riding Mower by Just Measuring up because it is MAD GENIUS side of cute dog giving the wagon a test ride. I am a sucker for dogs hands down.
Discovering Nara: Japan’s Ancient City from Sunny Coastlines because it makes me want to go back to Japan and discover this beautiful city with Husband.
My third pick is actually my first pick. Let's get this party started so you can read it below!
Please support and follow our lovely blog party hostesses:
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Zero Waste Candles and Friday Favorites Linky Party 369
I like to clear cooking smells after dinner with a scented soy wax melt in the candle warmer I keep in the kitchen. While Husband is fantastic about giving me eco friendly wax warmer melts (affiliate links for your convenience) as gifts, I want to switch up the scents in my collection (thanks Honey!) I decided to burn a soy candle and wouldn't you know it, all but one were spent.
I spent a rainy Saturday morning making my old spent candles into new soy candles. It didn't take very long at all and I got a fancy two toned candle out of the deal because I had more purple wax than I felt comfortable pouring into that candle jar.
Who knew a mistake could look so fancy?
I showed you my project, now you show me yours. Let's party!
I spent a rainy Saturday morning making my old spent candles into new soy candles. It didn't take very long at all and I got a fancy two toned candle out of the deal because I had more purple wax than I felt comfortable pouring into that candle jar.
A post shared by Lisa (@condoblues) on
Who knew a mistake could look so fancy?
I showed you my project, now you show me yours. Let's party!
Please support and follow our lovely blog party hostesses:
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
9 Ways to Replace Plastic Wrap in the Kitchen
I have a like – hate relationship with plastic cling wrap. I like on those rare occasions that it actually and fully sticks to a container to keep food fresh. I also hate it most of the time because, no matter what type or brand, it never sticks, food dries out or gets freezer burn, and I end up tossing the spoiled food and the plastic wrap in the trash.
So it was no great stretch for me to find a way to keep food fresh without plastic wrap. Once I started using my Swiss Army knife of easy alternatives, I noticed we also reduced the amount of weekly household trash by quite a bit. Yay!
Friday, February 15, 2013
10 More Ways to Use Orange Peels
I always look forward to the winter citrus season so I can
stuff my face with sweet juicy oranges. I always end up with many orange
peels. I can’t
compost orange peels but didn’t want to throw them away. Orange peels have
to be good for something.
That’s when I did some research and found out orange peels
are very useful. I posted about 10 Easy Ways to Use Orange Peels (you can read the
post here) and I started to put those orange peels to good
reuse. Since that post I experimented, researched, and found 10 more easy ways
to reuse orange peels.
If I don’t have enough orange peels for a project, I either
store orange peels in a container the freeze or let the orange peels dry on a
tray for a few days (no oven or dehydrator needed!) and store them in a jar in
my pantry until I have the amount I need.
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
2/15/2013 08:00:00 AM
cleaning and organization
How to
saving money
Sunday, February 22, 2009
10 Ways to Use Orange Peels
I remember standing in my Grandmother’s Florida kitchen and as we chatted, she was squeezing lemons. She said that a neighbor gave her a bunch of lemons from her lemon tree and since they were getting soft she was going to squeeze the juice out of them, freeze it in one-cup containers to use whenever she needed a cup of lemon juice for cooking. That little instance was one of many, “We didn’t get where we are in this life by wasting things” lessons she taught me.
I don’t have a lemon tree in my yard, but I did have a bunch of oranges in my refrigerator. After enjoying the oranges, I looked at the peels and thought about that long ago conversation with my Grandmother. I can’t compost orange peels but I figured that they had to be useful. I put the orange peels in a container the freezer and did some research. Here are 10 ways I found that you can put those old orange peels to good reuse.
I don’t have a lemon tree in my yard, but I did have a bunch of oranges in my refrigerator. After enjoying the oranges, I looked at the peels and thought about that long ago conversation with my Grandmother. I can’t compost orange peels but I figured that they had to be useful. I put the orange peels in a container the freezer and did some research. Here are 10 ways I found that you can put those old orange peels to good reuse.
Posted by
Lisa Nelsen-Woods
2/22/2009 12:00:00 AM
cleaning and organization
How to
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