In 2008, Lynn of Organic Mania gathered a diverse group of
green bloggers and suggested we host a monthly blog carnival on a specific green topic like the Green Pet Blog Carnival I hosted on Condo Blues in October for Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.
Not every member of The Green Moms Carnival has the same
green focus or way we do things and we like that way! Some of us (like me) are
not Moms to humans. However, what we all have in common is trying to live the Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle (and in my case, Remake) way the best we know how and are eager
to share our hits and our misses with all of you.
Lisa from Condo Blues, Anna from GreenTalk, Miceala from Mindful Momma, Sommer from Green and Clean Mom, Amy from Crunchy Domestic Goddess, and Beth of Fake Plastic Fish.
Photo courtesy of Crunchy Domestic Godddess.