Condo Blues

Monday, June 4, 2012

DIY Drop Cloth Grill Cover

If it doesn’t move, grill it. That’s my summer cooking mantra. Vegetables, fruit, meat, and fish are all fair game when it comes to grilling.

LOLCat grill cover
Learn how I stenciled this grill cover with help from my friends at Plaid Crafts.

A few Christmases ago, we got a gas grill upgrade and a cover to protect it from Ohio winters.

Two years later the grill looks great.

The grill cover does not. 

ripped grill cover
Mother Nature is the reason we do not have nice things.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Remove Furniture Marks from Carpet

I borrowed a steam carpet cleaner to clean the wet and explosive surprises Blitzkrieg left in his wake on an hourly basis when he had a bladder infection due to the chemotherapy.

Fortunately, Blitzkrieg is now back to his fine and fluffy self. My carpeting is another story. I spent an entire afternoon steam cleaning pet stains on the carpeting by the front door. I couldn’t move on to the rest of the living room or house like I normally do. We lived with the living room in the kitchen for several days. And then our bedroom in the computer room. And then the computer room in our bedroom. And then the guest/sewing room in our bedroom.

This is about the time I was considering maid service.  Or a box of matches. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bacon Candles

I cut the top off a beer bottle, ground the sharp edges, and filled it with phthalate free bacon scented soy wax and topped it with a lead free wick. 


  • I like candles.
  • Husband likes beer.
  • Blitzkrieg likes bacon.
I floated the idea of a bacon candle to my foodie friends during a Monday Foodies Nite In Twitter chat (Join us! Please?) They went bonkers for it. No surprise there because bacon always comes up during the chat no matter what the weekly party topic. I don't understand it, but people really love their bacon.  

I made soy beer candles, crème brulee candles, and campfire candles so my bacon candles would not feel lonely in our Blitzkrieg Cancer Treatment Fund booth at the Pet Promise Rescue Run. After the candles cooled, I realized I needed a label. Then I realized I needed something to put on the label. Think. Think. Thinkidy think.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Eat From the Pantry Month Challenge

Husband and I stumbled into May’s One Small Green Change by accident.  I am busy crafting for and building Blitzkrieg’s Pet Promise Rescue Run booth. Add to that Husband’s weekly choir rehearsal, Blitzkrieg’s chemo day, and now my weekly marching band rehearsal it’s been difficult to squeeze time in for grocery shopping except for a quick milk run. Husband goes through almost a gallon a week.

 I relive my high school color guard glory days by twirling flag in two parades each summer. Some things never change. I'm stilled placed by the tubas and am the shortest person in the band.
Fortunately, we did a big grocery shopping trip before Crazy Time, which should keep us in fish, meat, and fresh produce for awhile. We really need to work on eating the fresh frozen veggies, 17 cups ofhomemade chicken stock that keep falling out of the freezer and onto my head, and the backup bags of frozen vegetables to make room for this summer’s garden produce. When Husband and I bought seeds last January we bought with our stomachs instead of our heads because this year’s garden will be items I cannot can. I have to freeze whatever we can’t devour in our tiny freezer. Whoops!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DIY Cabinet Door Chalkboard

I’m crafting my tushie off for our Blitzkrieg Cancer Treatment Fund booth at the Pet Promise Rescue Run this Saturday. Please come!

Husband and I will sell Barking Mad Candles for Men (more on that in a later post), braided fleece dog chew toys, t shirt grocery shopping bags, and reclaimed wood signs. The money we raise will help pay for Blitzkrieg’s chemotherapy treatments and extra medical bills we’re having because of side effects from the chemotherapy treatments. You can read an update about Blitzkrieg here.

Chalkboard Paint Cabinet Door
Thank you for helping me!

I don’t want to spend a lot on the booth itself because we’d have to make that much more money to turn a profit and help Blitzkrieg. Christina from A Mommy Story stepped in and offered us the use of their awning for the event. She crossed a major expense off our list. Thank you Christina!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Tea Stain Wood

I made a wine box toy box for Blitzkrieg. I wanted to kick up the pale color with a pet safe wood stain. Blitzkrieg already has enough onhis plate fighting cancer; I don’t want to add to it by using a wood stain containing questionable ingredients.

Fortunately, I have a lovely honey colored pet safe wood stain in my kitchen cupboard – tea.

I tea stained book pages and used them as wallpaper in my bathroom remodel. Sometimes I tea stain fabric when I make historical costumes.

I also tea stain my pajamas because I am Clumsy Grand Supreme in the morning pre-gallon o' caffeine.

Why not stain wood with tea? Tool Girl experimented with homemade wood stains with interesting results. Let’s try it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Inspiration Shopping

Some people go to the mall to shop. I go to the mall to recycle. The Easton Town Center service desk takes household batteries, Aveda takes hard plastic bottle caps, and Origins takes plastic tubes for recycling.
When I’m in a creative rut, I grab my recycling and go shopping. Not for doodads to perk up my mood – but for ideas. Besides, buying something to perk myself up because I am in a funk never works anyway. I usually regret making the purchase later.

Shopping with my eyes (and camera) is better for me during these times than shopping with my wallet. It's greener too.

Looking at pretty or unusual things gets my creative juices flowing. High-end store, low-end store, new goods or used it doesn’t matter, inspiration can come from anywhere.

On my latest shopping trip, most of my inspiration came from the store displays.

My first stop was Anthropolgie. With a cluster of string spheres, glass balls, and a light kit I bet I can make this interesting accent light.