Condo Blues

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cinderella Coach Playhouse

My best friend's dad built her and her sister a wood playhouse that looks like a little red school house. It had sliding glass windows with bug screens, a locking door, and bench seats that doubled as daybeds for the most AWESOME LITTLE GIRL SLEEPOVERS EVER!

I was more than a little jealous because we rented at the time which meant no epic cool playhouse for me. Instead I made elaborate blanket forts in our rec room.

I've more than a little obsessed with playhouses ever since.

Especially when I see something like the La Belle Au Bois Dormant Coach playhouse. Just look at this thing!

I want one for my backyard

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Companion Planting

We have planting more sneaky  vegetables masquerading as landscaping on our 2012 DIY Project List like we did by accident last summer during our porch and landscaping rennovation. The results were delicious!

 This is one of my favorite photos of Blitzkrieg because he did a perfect sit stay while I turned my back and walked away from him to get everything in the photo.

One of the best things about the project is it an US hobby and not either a Lisa hobby or a Husband hobby. We both share in the gardening responsibilities although we like to say Lisa built it and Husband grew it.

Last January, when Husband and I were running errands, we saw vegetables seeds for sale! We let our stomachs be our guide and bought seeds on the spot.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I’m in a Magazine AND a Book!

I had to sit on this exciting news for way too long! The projects are out and I encourage you to run to your nearest bookstore…

…and turn the pages until you find your favorite green DIY blogger featured in This Old House Magazine!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Do You Have an Emergency Weather Plan?

Last week as my next door neighbors and I were outside and commented how the beautiful clear blue sky, quickly turned into a gray-purple-puke colored Tornado Sky.

The winds kicked up unexpectedly, rain, thunder, and lightening pounded down. Over 300, 000 people in Ohio lost electricity as Mother Nature tossed around trees and power lines with the force of a full on toddler kicking and screaming mega meltdown.

Fortunately, we were one of the lucky few that had electricityThis is surprising because if there is a blackout, we are almost always in it. Often for several days at a time. 

We did not experience a tornado because even those some areas estimated 75+ mile an hour winds, there wasn't any rotation. The crazy, unexpected, snuck up on everyone including the weather service experts, was a derecho.