Did you watch HGTV's Design Star last week? What did you think? Thankfully, the tone for Season Six is not Survivor with Paint Rollers like Season Five.
That’s not to say there was not drama! Cathy and Leslie went at it during the traditional first episode Design Your Living Space Challenge. When designers on the same team clash, their room is usually the worst one. I was surprised given the fireworks; Cathy and Leslie’s room was not only one of my favorites but won the challenge!
That’s not to say there was not drama! Cathy and Leslie went at it during the traditional first episode Design Your Living Space Challenge. When designers on the same team clash, their room is usually the worst one. I was surprised given the fireworks; Cathy and Leslie’s room was not only one of my favorites but won the challenge!
I am in LOVE with Leslie’s tire coffee table. I’ll take one please.
Blanche. Oh Blanche. I know your room is a bedroom but it is a total snore. The quatrefoil bedspreads that are so beloved in blogland don’t work with the modern pony wall headboards. One or the other please, not both.
Blanche was indigent that her poor wallpaper hanging technique is what sent her home. It is true in real life design world, most designers job that out. However, I have no sympathy for a reality show contestant who complains about doing something for a challenge they normally would not do in real life.
If you are going to apply to be on a competition show, you had better watch previous seasons to see what you are getting yourself into. With five previous seasons, any designer who doesn’t realize they may have to paint, build, sew, and craft their way through a design challenge doesn’t deserve to be the next HGTV Design Star.
Sorry Blanche. You should have done your homework on that. Alternatively, you could have given up the foil wallpaper because it is crazy difficult to hang correctly even if you wallpaper experience.
Tonight’s episode is a White Box Challenge and happily it looks like the designers will be working on their own. I know individual challenges are more time consuming to judge and more expensive to produce but they are my favorites because each designer’s personality comes through.
My only disaapointment so far is I'm ticked at the summer TV programmers. For some reason competing networks didn't consider my personal needs and scheduled one of Husband's and my favorite summer shows Warehouse 13, against my guilty pleasure show Design Star, against my other guilty pleasure show with more sequins and glitter Ru Paul’s Drag U Monday nights at nine.
And me without Tivo or a DVR. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Fortunately, Drag U is On Demand. There’s one to cross off the Monday night list.
Husband beat me to the TV last week. I ended up watching the first episode of Design Star on HGTV.com – a great option if you don’t get HGTV.
Then while Husband shot zombies on the TV yesterday, I realized I can watch HGTV on the Time Warner Cable app on my iPad. I've had that app for a couple of months but only started using it last week.
I can watch Design Star episode 2 in real time at 9pm EST on my iPad while Husband has the TV on Sci Fi for the night.
I can watch Design Star episode 2 in real time at 9pm EST on my iPad while Husband has the TV on Sci Fi for the night.
If I hug my iPad while watching Design Star it will be like I"m cuddling with David Bromstad on the sofa.
What did you think of the first episode of Design Star? Who is your favorite? Do you think Blanche should have been the first to go?
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Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign by Crafterminds and HGTV Design Star. All opinions are my own and long time readers know I am highly opinionated.
I too loved the coffee table. I also noticed the quatrefoil bedspreads and thought, Hmm, those are boring on TV!
Loved reading your thoughts on the show~!
Loved your recap. Too funny about cuddling David.
I am not going to get into Design star this season... like Next Food Network Star, there is always too much backstabbing and such. I hate it. But i would like to cuddle David! :P
I'm watching this season too! I DVR it and skip thru all the emotional stuff....hahaha
David is such a cutie pie. He's always had a great personality but he's now really coming into his own.
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