Growing up on the Ohio North Coast, stocking a car and being prepared for winter driving is engrained in you from an early age. It is right up there with knowing your name, address, and telephone number. Even little kids know you are supposed to have jumper cables and a blanket in the trunk of your car. You also know you are supposed to hang your head in shame when you don’t.
After I moved from the Cleveland area I thought it was weird this stuff isn't common knowledge. In fact, I still kind do.
I realized why when I saw the weather people completely freak out about the first winter snow and for every snow thereafter. They didn’t offer any of the winter driving tips I grew up expecting to hear on the news. No wonder folks panic around here and forget to how drive in snow every. single. year.
Guys, we did the same thing last year, remember?
Sigh. Guess not.
Last week, I wrote about the basic things you should carry in your car for winter snow emergencies. Most of the items in that post
14 Basic Things to Have in Your Car in Winter Part 1 live in our car full time because they are useful to have for summer too.
Part 2 of my winter snow emergency prep kit goes beyond the basic list (you can review the
basic snow emergency car checklist here.) Again, this is not a list supplies to get you through any type of doomsday scenario. This list is to help you in a winter driving or snow emergency and especially if you drive long distances or frequent country roads where it might be awhile before help will reach you. (Been there. Done that. On Christmas Day no less. Not fun.)
13 Things to Carry in Your Car for Snow Emergencies if You Travel Long Distances or Country Roads