When I’m in a creative rut, I grab my recycling and go
shopping. Not for doodads to perk up my mood – but for ideas. Besides, buying
something to perk myself up because I am in a funk never works anyway. I usually
regret making the purchase later.
Shopping with my eyes (and camera) is better for me during
these times than shopping with my wallet. It's greener too.
Looking at pretty or unusual things gets my creative juices
flowing. High-end store, low-end store, new goods or used it doesn’t matter,
inspiration can come from anywhere.
On my latest shopping trip, most of my inspiration came from
the store displays.
My first stop was Anthropolgie. With a cluster of string spheres,
glass balls, and a light kit I bet I can make this interesting accent light.
I have a thing for Turkish tea light lamps. Every time I see
one, I look for a way to electricity it with a lamp kit. It would replace one more
boring builder light in my house.
I really dig the big clear one.
Since I’m shopping for ideas, I browse stores I don’t
normally shop.
Hello old timey radio. If I got my hands on you. I’d try to
restore you. If I couldn’t restore you, I’d turn you into a giant MP3 player
dock for irony.
I could do so many things with you. I see you as a bar, a shelving unit, or a media cabinet. The one thing I would
not do is shove you in a corner with a halfhearted attempt at creative reuse.
This chair would look cute in a girl’s room.
You know from this angle, the leg on this chair remind me
of something. I can’t quite put my finger on it….
Oh yeah. That’s it.
How do you get out of a creative rut?
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You should check out the antique radio conversion that was done on epbot.com. It's inspired me to pick up one of the old hifi radio cabinets I see at the thrift store!
I love the lights so totally cool.
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