The two things Frankenmuth has going for it are:
- It is a Bavarian town
- It is Christmas year round
There is a giant Christmas store in Frankenmuth called
Bronner's. Husband described as, “It looks like Christmas threw up in here” although
he meant it in a nice way. It is hard to impress upon anyone who hasn’t been
there that Bronner's is not your typical pop up Christmas shop.

They don’t just have say, an aisle of snowmen decorations;
they have an entire snowman department.
I like these little guys and considered taking them home. I couldn’t figure out where I would display them. I took their picture instead.
They have my all time favorite thing - Christmas ornaments. Oh friends, Bronners has two HUGE departments full of more ornaments than you can possibly see! I kept wandering off to ogle a new shiny. Husband said I was harder to track than a little kid in a toy department. Fortunately, the blue hair makes me easier to spot in a crowd.
Seven Nontraditional Christmas Trees
Shiny glass gingerbread and candy ornaments make this tree
my favorite. This brown Christmas tree works because of the coordinating colors
in the gingerbread ornaments tied in with the patterned ribbon.
I want to lick it.

Here’s a fun tree in as nontraditional Christmas color palette as you can get. Hot pink, turquoise, and lime green. It is nice to see bead garland make a comeback. On the other hand, maybe bead garland never went out of fashion; it’s that I haven’t put it on my tree since we bought our house. Thoughts?
I took a photo of the Skittles tree because the puffy ribbon
bow gives me an idea for this year’s tree topper. I have tons of ribbon
in my Christmas tree décor box.
Just to keep it real, Skittles are one of my favorite
artificial color
and HFCS candy concoctions.

Santa’s cute at the
top. Although I’m not sure how comfortable he can
be with a tree up his ho, ho, ho.

Puuuuuuuuuuuuuurple! Like the trellis Christmas trees I havein my front yard.

A flamingo palm tree Christmas tree because I like
flamingos and warm, sunny places that serve umbrella drinks under palm trees.

The final tree will give you a better understanding of just
how big this store is. The tree topper sized ornaments highlighted on the tree
do not look out of place. They look to scale.
Loving the white ornaments. Using ribbon and bead garland together gives me an
idea for our own Christmas tree.
The clock ornament is the size of a real mantel clock. That. Big.

Given the amount of time (and drooling) I spent in the
ornament departments, it is a surprise I didn’t buy any for our tree. I wanted
this guy instead. It has everything I like polkas dots, giant ball ornament,
and fat cartoony Santa hanging from the ceiling.
I’m sure those
Christmas lights are energy efficient too.
Santa cares about these things you know.
Unfortunately, there was a problem fitting big fat cartoony Santa in our small economy size car. Not to mention Diva Claus demanded he drive back to Ohio instead of Husband even though he could not produce a valid driver’s license.
We left him hanging.
We made an unusual splurge and took one of these rolly polly
Santas home instead. He was a perfect gentleman on the car ride home.
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Glad you took away some ideas for your trees at home.
Lori Libka
communications assistant
Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland
Hi Lisa, Re: Beads and Ribbons on the tree... I used to put a gorgeous red/green/gold plaid ribbon all around my tree, and natural colored wooden beads, too. They looked great and very traditional. But then I rescued 4 cats, and cats being cats, let's just say that they couldn't resist either and the tree now has only non-breakable cat friendly ornaments. And they like peeking out from between the branches.
I LOVE the brightly-colored tree! And I love this post b/c it has a Brigadoon reference. Thanks for sharing your trip! :)
I have that clock ornament hanging above my mantel right now. ;)
I learned from my cat owner friends that Christmas trees are kitty jungle gyms. Or did I get that wrong?
Awesome! I didn't see where they sold it. It's probably for the best. We bought enough stuff to keep Bronner's in the black as it is.
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