Why not extend it into bath time and give your little monsters an incentive to scrub a dub dub in the tub with a Halloween bath bomb?
Don't worry, your tub won't really explode after you plunk them in water. We are making Halloween bath fizzies!
You will need:
1 3/4 cup baking soda
2 cups cornstarch (if you are looking for GMO free cornstarch, I can help you out because I bought mine here.)
Small spray bottle of water
Green food coloring
Essential oil (optional)
Make it:
1. Mix the dry ingredients together
in a bowl.
2. Mix a few drops of green food
coloring into the spray bottle full of water.
3. Lightly spritz (one or three
sprays) the dry ingredients in the bowl of water and mix thoroughly. Repeat as
needed until the mixture is damp enough to stick together when you test it by
rolling it into a small ball with your fingers.
Tip: Do not dump or pour water into the bowl of dry ingredients or you may fizz your bath bombs before you can use them in the bath!
4. If you want to scent your bath
bombs with essential oil, add a few drops to the mixture. I left mine unscented
because I’m not sure what zombie skulls are supposed to smell like other than
probably not flowers which are the essential oils I have on hand. I’ll trust your
judgment on this one.
5. Firmly pack the bath bomb
mixture with your hands into the skull ice cube tray.
6. Allow the bath bombs to dry for
at least two hours.
7. Carefully remove the zombie
skulls from the ice cube tray.
8. Plunk them in the bath and wash your dirty zombie kids!
If you are looking for a non candy Trick or Treat option, wrap up a bunch with a label (you don't want to trick them into eating them. It won't hurt them but it probably won't taste very good either), and give them to Trick or Treaters on Halloween.
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