Thursday, July 23, 2020
Quick and Easy Popsocket Makeover and Friday Favorites Link Party Week 539
Sunday, July 19, 2020
How to Water Succulents the Lazy Way!
Two years ago I was given an echeveria plant. Up until that time I had no idea how to keep a succulent, well truthfully most indoor plants, alive. Fortunately it came with watering instructions, an eye dropper pipette thing that looks like this, and a little bamboo pokey stick. (Disclosure: I am including affiliate links in this post for your convenience.) The instructions said to poke the stick in the soil. If the stick is damp/wet the succulent doesn’t need watering. If the stick comes out dry, water the echeveria with one graduated pipette full of water. I followed the same instructions (with slightly more water because it is a bigger plant) with the aloe vera plant buddy I bought the echeveria so he wouldn’t get lonely.
And whaddaya know? Both plants not only lived but they grew so much I had to repot them after I found an even easier and lazier way to water but not over water my succulent plants.
How Much Water Does a Succulent Plant Need to Grow?
Save this plant hack to your Pinterest boards for later! Share it with your friends!Thursday, July 16, 2020
Soapmaking and Friday Favorites Linky Party 538
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Growing Vegetables from Scraps and Friday Favorites Linky Party 531
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How to Plant an Indoor Hydroponic Herb Garden the Easy Way!
Also there is the whole I forget plants need water to grow thing. The only reason I can keep a succulent alive is that they thrive on low light and neglect.
I’ve been interested in hydroponic gardening (growing plants in water instead of soil) ever since my husband and I saw an exhibit on aquaponic gardening (similar to hydroponics except fish in a tank fertilize the plants.) I looked at several of them off and on but most of them needed preparatory (and spendy) seed pods that weren’t always what we were interested in growing or eating. Fortunately, on Christmas morning my husband unwrapped our gift and learned that you can use your own seeds to grow whatever you like in an AeroGarden.
We set up our indoor hydroponic herb garden and have been enjoying cooking with fresh herbs all winter which feels decadent because up until now, that as been a summer only thing.
How to Set Up an AeroGarden Indoor Hydroponic Herb Garden
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 519
Let's Party!

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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 518
Let's Party!

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Thursday, February 20, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 517
Well, almost.
It gets pretty gray and overcast around here during the winter, power tools or no.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 516
It isn't a birthday.
It isn't' Valentine's Day.
It is Lacey's 7th Gotcha Day!
Seven years ago, this little anxious girl came to live with us from an amazing act of love when her former people rehomed her with us because they couldn't help Lacey with her behavioral issues.
We worked and worked with Lacey on her issues and here she is now!
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 515
Which means I rarely if ever make a resolution on New Year's Eve because they end up being pretty generic and easily broken no matter how big or small.
Last year was the exception. I got a succulent planter as a Christmas gift and bought an aloe plant to be its plant buddy in the kitchen. I jokingly said my New Year's Resolution for 2019 was Don't Let the New Plants Die.
Not only do I often forget that plants need water but we get very little sunlight through our windows during the winter. Who knew water and sunlight where so important?
If you're wondering I bought the plant which I left in the nursery pot and the planter at Ikea.
I am happy to report that not only did I keep the succulents alive but the aloe plant grew so much I recently repotted it. Yay me!
That means if you have a plant that thrives on neglect and no sunlight - I'm your gal!
Time to link up your fantastic and creative craft and DIY projects, recipes, and ideas!
Let's Party!
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 514
Hi everyone! Lacey here! My plan of constantly laying on Lisa's sewing projects so she will give up and have Family Movie Nights is working! I love it when my people to pile on the sofa and pet me while they watch a movie. A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do to get the attention she deserves!
Time to link up your fantastic and creative craft and DIY projects, recipes, and ideas!
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 513
Let's Party!

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Thursday, January 16, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 512
Let's Party!

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Thursday, January 9, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 511
Let's Party!

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Thursday, January 2, 2020
Friday Favorites Linky Party 510
Time to link up your fantastic and creative craft and DIY projects, recipes, and ideas!
Let's Party!

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Thursday, December 26, 2019
Friday Favorites Linky Party 509
Let's Party!

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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Friday Favorites Linky Party 508
Let's Party!

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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Friday Favorites Linky Party 507
Let's Party!

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Thursday, December 5, 2019
Friday Favorites Linky Party 506
This year our family broke a decorating record by having our Christmas tree decorated after we came home from Thanksgiving dinner! Take a look.
Our tree is actually a rosemary bush our Thanksgiving host and hostess gave us at the end the evening. I decided to have a laugh and decorated it a few German Christmas ornaments friends gave us on their vist last fall. I' bought the Viking gnomes from a friends shop at the renaissance festival as a birthday present to myself after admiring them for the last 2 summers.
We need to put our Christmas tree up soon. This one's not going to last long for as much as we've been using it to cook with fresh rosemary. Nom! Nom!
Be sure to pop over to my food blog Lazy Budget Chef and enter our $175 Amazon Gift Card Givewawy after you've shared and read all of the amazing party posts!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Friday Favorites Linky Party 505
Or Happy Random Thursday in November to our readers outside of the US, LOL.
Time to add your fantastic and creative craft and DIY projects, recipes, and ideas!
Let's Party!