I believe power tool projects are cheaper than therapy.
Some of you tell me your fear of chopping off a body part is
why you do not try using tools, you have a husband/son/brother/father to do it
for you, or the garage is a foreign land because it is dirtier and unheated
unlike your kitchen. I can totally relate. I’d rather spend more time in my
heated kitchen than my unheated garage during the winter too.
Although I have secretly grabbed and sterilized a power tool
from the garage to help me with a cooking project.
True confessions time. When I bake and puree fall pumpkins
(read how on my food blog Lazy Budget Chef here) the rind is so hard to cut I
usually grab my rotary tool from the garage and use it to cut the pumpkin in
half. It was my dirty little secret until now because every cook I know can cut
a pumpkin in half with a standard chef’s knife. I had a case of Really Stupid
Lazy Budget Chef over it.