I believe power tool projects are cheaper than therapy.
Some of you tell me your fear of chopping off a body part is
why you do not try using tools, you have a husband/son/brother/father to do it
for you, or the garage is a foreign land because it is dirtier and unheated
unlike your kitchen. I can totally relate. I’d rather spend more time in my
heated kitchen than my unheated garage during the winter too.
Although I have secretly grabbed and sterilized a power tool
from the garage to help me with a cooking project.
True confessions time. When I bake and puree fall pumpkins
(read how on my food blog Lazy Budget Chef here) the rind is so hard to cut I
usually grab my rotary tool from the garage and use it to cut the pumpkin in
half. It was my dirty little secret until now because every cook I know can cut
a pumpkin in half with a standard chef’s knife. I had a case of Really Stupid
Lazy Budget Chef over it.
I also didn’t think it will know how well it would go over that I use a tool blade on the pumpkin I’m eventually going to feed people even though I sterilize it first. I have a cutting bit I use for pumpkin and only pumpkin.
Then I get a newsletter with a link to a YouTube video that
makes using power tools for cooking completely OK. The heavens open and the Blue
Fairy taps me on the forehead with her magic wand and my shame turns to

Yes, I know Craftsman really made this video to sell their tools for DIYing and not for cooking. Craftsman didn’t ask me to promote it on my blog; I got the link from the Craftsman Customer Newsletter anyone can get. I am posting it for a couple of reasons:
- I’ve been looking for a good carrot soup recipe since a dear friend brought us soup made with Blitzkrieg’s favorite treat after he passed away (read the story on Lazy Budget Chef here.)
- I appreciate Craftsman’s sense of humor when it comes to promoting some of the tools I buy and have in my garage. I might use the reciprocating saw as pumpkin cutter argument to convince Husband I should stop checking out the reciprocating saw from the Tool Lending Library for projects. Think it will work?
- When I find someone who makes a fun video that can help me with my mission of encouraging women to stop making Honey Do lists and start making Do It Yourself Honey! lists it makes me happy!
Do you use power tools? If not what is stopping you?
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Very funny! My mantra for DIY is "The right tool for the right job." And I totally believe in "crossover" tools.
GIrlfriend... YOu are preaching to the choir. WHile I can cut sugaqr pumpkins in half with a knife,I do use a drill motor and bits for various jobs (stuff squash and stuffed jalepenos come to mind), and of course a blow torch because ever kitchen should have an element of danger. Because Danger is my middle name. Rob Danger Johnson
Good to see you expand power tools usage to kitchen ;) Brilliant!
:) Thanks for sharing on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
Hope to see you next time at:
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