Condo Blues: Garage Door Dining Room Table

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Garage Door Dining Room Table

It is no secret that I am not in love with my dining room table. It needs refinishing or repainting or hacked to pieces with an ax to fit my design aesthetic.

But I don't own an ax.

Husband won't let me replace it because he spent his kid life eating around that very table. I respect that and  use a table cloth instead. It looks much better and is way cheaper than buying a new table. It is less work than refinishing or repainting it too - for now.

I use this tablecloth all the time.
My mom embroidered this tablecloth before I was born. 

That doesn't stop me from window drooling shopping over new tables. Especially when they are made from repurposed materials.

Can you believe this table was a garage door?

My jaw dropped when I saw member jmitch77 post his dining room table on Instructables. The honey color wood with what I thought was wood inlay caught my eye.

My jaw dropped even further when I read he made this table from an old wood garage door. Removing 60 years of paint from the door made it a time consuming upcycling project. He chose to cover the top in resin which cost more than buying a new table. Resin is not the most Eco friendly choice but understandable. He wanted to level the door while still showing off the beauty of the wood door.

Beautiful it is!

Now I am tempted to troll back alleys for old garage doors. What about you?

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Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

I adore a blogger with a sense of humor!!! I have to agree, I'd love to troll around for a garage door like that as well. Though you may not love your dining room table, at least you have that beautiful embroidered tablecloth from your mom...which is stunning.

Jeanette said...

Perhaps the table could have an accident? Or be stolen by Ninjas? LOL! I absolutely love that garage door table, but I would probably just covered it with a piece of glass - I'm a lazy diy-er!

Katie B. of said...

If you find a way to make your dining table go away, please do share. Ours is a wedding gift my mother- and father-in-law gave to my husband... and his first wife. For fifteen years, I've put up with that table but, oh, how I would love for it to find a new home!

If you haven't already, I'd love if you'd come join my How To Tuesday link party, too.

Mary said...

While the upcycled garage door table is impressive, I'm even more in love with your table cloth! Your mom did a lovely piece of work. And it would go great with my multi-colored set of Fiesta Ware dishes (just saying);-)

Anonymous said...

That table is beautiful!

Unknown said...

This is jmitch77 author of the Garage Door Table Instructables post! Thank you so much for the kind words and referring others to see my table!

Lisa said...

Very cool! My husband just made us a farm table that we distressed to look old and we love it. Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven.

Adorned From Above said...

This is so beautiful. My jaw dropped also. We have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Tuesday night through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
We hope to see you there.
Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

Mel@Mellywood's Mansion said...

wow people are clever, awesome table but the table cloth is amazing what a treasure

Unknown said...

cool table I like

Roeshel said...

It's gorgeous! Wow! Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

Fluster Buster said...

This is great! Thank you for linking up at Fluster's Creative Muster.

Robin @ Fluster Buster

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