I lovingly call my craft room/guest room
The Room Where Old Furniture Goes to Die because that's where we shoved everything that didn't have an immediate home after we moved into our condo. For nine years, it looked like this photo from the
Pinterest envy busting post I wrote last December.
You are jealous of this room, aren't you?
Then Miss Lacey joined our family and taught me a new game: The Floor is Lava.
When Lacey is feeling insecure or feels that Husband and I have stared
enough at those boxes on our desks, Lacey grabs something I have stored under the guest room bed, ever so casually carries it into the computer room, and sits near me so I am sure to notice her because in her mind even bad attention is better than no attention at all.
Here's the current post-Lacey guest room/craft room design:
I have no idea why Better Homes and Gardens hasn't called me to feature my beautiful guest room.